Locator Disclaimer

This clinic locator is provided to you as a service aimed as facilitating the interaction with qualified medical practices for independent and professional medical advice relating to aesthetic treatments.

Allergan does not endorse, certify, or otherwise promotes the skills, capabilities, qualifications, expertise and experience of any clinical practice and/or healthcare professional in particular.

The information on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for advice provided by a qualified medical aesthetics practitioner.

JUVEDERM® is a range of CE marked medical devices with clinical indications and characteristics. We always recommend consultation with a qualified aesthetic medical aesthetics practitioner who will advise the most appropriate product from within the range for your individual needs.

Registered office address: AbbVie House, Vanwall Business Park, Vanwall Road, Maidenhead. Berkshire, SL6 4UB
Email: ProductSurveillance_EAME@abbvie.com
UK Telephone: +44 (0) 1628 497456
Company registration number: 08004972

The search filters in the locator are provided to improve the search results based on your interests. In any case, the search results are listed based on geographical relevance.

By using the locator and/or navigating on this webpage you agree to the following terms and conditions of use.

Allergan Clinic locator -
Terms & Conditions of use


Please read and review these Terms of Use carefully before accessing or using the Locator. By accessing or using the Website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to these Terms and Condition of Use.

The Locator is a web-based service owned and managed by Allergan (including its Affliates) that enables You to search and contact the nearest medical aesthetic practice (the “Locator”).

You understand that the Locator lists medical practices that are validated by Allergan as Allergan customers at the time of upload. This means that Allergan has verified the individual doctors and/or medical practices licenses to operate, however, this is subject to change and in some circumstances may not be guaranteed . All medical practices included in the list are not required to purchase Allergan products. The inclusion in the Locator is entirely free and subject to each individual doctor and/or medical practice consent and agreement to have their information displayed in the Locator.

The Locator is made available to You free of charge. The individual doctors and/or medical practices included in the Locator do not pay Allergan any fees for this service.

The Locator does not constitute any form of partnership, co-marketing or co-promotion between Allergan and the individual doctors and/or medical practices.

The information contained in the Locator is not an offer to sell, or a solicitation of any product or service supplied by Allergan or by Allergan customers or third-party medical practices that use Allergan products.


You will use the Locator in a manner consistent with any, and all, applicable laws, legislation, rules and regulations. If you violate any restrictions in these terms, you agree to indemnify Allergan for any losses, costs or damages, including reasonable legal fees, incurred by Allergan in relation to, or arising out of, such a breach.


You accept that the Locator is provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis. Allergan excludes all warranties as to the satisfactory quality, fitness, for a purpose, freedom from computer viruses and non-infringement of third-party rights regarding the Locator, to the extent fully permitted by the applicable laws and regulations. You understand and agree that by listing any individual doctor and/or medical practice (including their staff and personnel) and/or by publishing any of the information that refer to such individual doctors or practices, Allergan does not endorse, certify, assess, promote, support, or otherwise recommend You to consult or use the services of any of such doctors and practices in particular, nor does Allergan recognise and suggest that any of these individual doctors or practices is qualified, capable and skilled to provide you with the medical treatments or outcomes You expected.

Allergan only recommends You discuss your medical aesthetic interest in facial injectable treatments with qualified professionals, and that You ensure You have gathered sufficient and satisfactory information before making a decision on your treatment.


The entire risk related to the use of the Locator is with You. Any information and/or other content You have accessed and used while using the Locator is entirely at your risk, and you bear the entire responsibility for any costs, damages, losses, or claims that you may experience because of your use of the Locator.


You understand that Allergan relies on the declarations made by third party medical practices and or individual healthcare professionals with regards to the accuracy of the information provided on the Locator. Allergan therefore declines any liability with regards to accuracy and reliability of such information and as such you will be liable for any direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss of profits, revenue, contracts or goodwill resulting from any errors or omissions on any information provided in the Locator.


Allergan will not be liable for any direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss of profits, revenue, contracts or goodwill resulting from the availability or interruption of the Website or from work stoppage, computer failure, computer viruses, loss of data or in any other respect whatsoever from the use of this site. Fully permitted by the applicable law, Allergan excludes all liability for any errors in, or omissions from, any information, materials or functions contained on the Locator and all liability for negligence. Nothing in these terms shall exclude our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence or for any fraudulent misrepresentation made by Allergan.


Although Allergan does not assume responsibility for monitoring or editing material published in the Locator, if any inappropriate content or material is brought to its attention, Allergan, at its discretion, reserves the right to take appropriate action to edit or, if necessary, remove any such content.


The copyright in material and/or content in the Locator is owned or licensed to Allergan and protected by the copyright laws of Ireland, international copyright treaties and any other applicable copyright and intellectual property laws. 


All product names, logos and services appearing on the Website that are identified by ® or ™ or appearing in type form different from that of the surrounding text are trademarks owned by or licensed to Allergan or our affiliates; unless otherwise identified as being owned by another entity. The use of these trademarks by you is prohibited unless specifically permitted by these terms and conditions or by special permission granted in writing by Allergan, or for identifying the products or services of Allergan. The display of any trademark not owned by us on our site does not imply that any license has been granted by its owner. No trademark infringement is intended, and no suggestion is made that the owner of the trademark endorses Allergan’s products or services. Equally, Allergan’s display of the trademark does not constitute an endorsement or approval by it of the trademark owner, its Web site or its products and/or services.


Allergan complies with the General Data Protection Regulation and any other applicable data protection legislation, and all personal data voluntarily provided to Allergan via the Locator shall be processed in accordance with its Privacy Policy. The usage of the Locator does not require You to provide any personal information to Allergan, however we recommend You review the privacy statement relating to the Allergan website in which the locator is included.


Your access to and use of the Locator may be changed, restricted or terminated by Allergan by notice with immediate effect at any time and whatsoever reason.


If any part of these terms and conditions of use is declared invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, this will not affect the validity of any remaining part of the terms. Any such remaining part will remain in full force and effect as if the invalid part of the terms had been eliminated.


Allergan reserves its right to modify the Locator and the terms and conditions governing its use at any time without prior notice. By accessing and using the Locator, You will be automatically bound by any such changes and should, therefore, periodically visit this page to review the current terms and conditions.


The Locator is operated under the laws and regulations of UK. You agree that the UK courts will have jurisdiction over any dispute or claim relating to your use of this site. The site is intended to be used by residents located in UK, although it may be accessed by users outside of this country.